Jesus Focused Youth Ministry
Click to download FREE resources and receive FREE online training - all in multiple languages! Want training in person? Contact Kevin!
Did you know? I was in the studio audience of Experiencing God!
You can see me in the promo video below at 1:12 on the front row in the blue/white striped shirt.
As a youth, I went through Experiencing God: Youth Edition and that is how I first sensed God's call into full-time ministry!
Additional Ministry Links & Resources:
Jesus Focused Youth Ministry ONLINE Training (FREE)
110 Mission Trip Fundraising Ideas (Therefore Go Ministries)
Mission Trip Travel Insurance (Gallagher Travel)
Canva for Non-Profits (Free!)
Church Giving Platform (MyWell)
Digital Contact Page (FlowPage)
Send Large Files for Free (WeTransfer)
Online Appointment Scheduler (Calendly)
Support Raising Solutions (Via Generosity)
Create an Online Flipbook/Report (Heyzine)
Bible Study Tools
Garden to Garden: Equipping the local church to navigate life in a sexually fluid culture
Your Fruitful Tree: Biblical Financial Counseling